I’ve made a bunch of prompts to work with different scales such that I’ve can build up their setting with as little work as fleshing out a single prompt everyday for a month!

For each each day this month, choose a prompt from one of the Scales you need for your setting (Local, Region, World, System, Cluster, or Galaxy).

Alternatively, you can choose multiple prompts each day. The goal remains the same, chip away at various sections at your setting that one might not normally consider, and by the end of the month, you’ll have a fairly fleshed out strong for any project you might have!

  • @ClasmOP
    22 years ago

    Thanks! It was inspired by a post I saw a long while ago about how “There’s always a war going on somewhere.” And I came up with a list of what else just about every setting might have that might not be the focus of a plot.

    The result is, potentially, a setting that feels a bit more lived in, but without a daunting amount of overhead such a project would take for any worpdbuilders out there!