The only few reason I know so far is software availability, like adobe software, and Microsoft suite. Is there more of major reasons that I missed?
The only few reason I know so far is software availability, like adobe software, and Microsoft suite. Is there more of major reasons that I missed?
Holy shit that was a rant and a half. I get it i religiously spend 6 hours every time i update my kernal to fix my fucking display drivers cos evdi is a piece of shit that doesnt want to behave itself. If the error was the same every time it would be fine i write a script i run it done but noooo every single fucking kernal causes a new issue and its a pain in the ass. Wayland needs to include some additional things to make it a viable replacement but i think its still a step in the right direction. Im also very happy about the whole putting everything in a flatpak (fuck snap btw) i think its a great step forward towards program compatability and stability across distros. If we can figure that and drivers then we should be in a far better place.
That’s one abused man right there. Sustained decades of bull dung.
**A proper truth about Linux in this whole thread.
PS: canonical broke my wifi hotspot for wpa3 upgrade (that I know of). Doesn’t work till this day. (Despite that wifi works, this thought just… aaarg!)
Any solution will be highly appreciated :)
I cant help without more info: what distro u using? What hardwarw u got? Have u checked drivers what are their logs? Have u asked chatgpt?
Ubuntu 23.11,
peeked through a few forums a while back, and found that Ubuntu updated the wpa-authentication library, from version 2.9 to 2.11 for the better, (so canonical thought)
Still hoping they will fix it with the coming update (they have not till this day 🙄)
So, any suggestions will be highly appreciated