• R51
    2 years ago

    That wiki was an amazing read, and it was pretty funny seeing some of Aristotle’s earlier shitposts. Too dark? You’re an L. Too pasty? You are basically a woman. Somewhere in the middle? You are a gigachad.

    Some relevant quotes I liked:

    Contemporary anthropologists and other scientists, while recognizing the reality of biological variation between different human populations, regard the concept of a unified, distinguishable “White race” as a social construct with no scientific basis.

    “White, black, and brown are abridged, abstracted versions of colonizer, slave, and colonized.”

    Irene Silverblatt

    Blacks and indios were subject to tribute obligations and forbidden to bear arms, and black and indio women were forbidden to wear jewels, silk, or precious metals in early colonial Mexico and Peru.

    Those pardos (people with dark skin) and mulattos (people of mixed African and European ancestry) with resources largely sought to evade these restrictions by passing as White.

    A brief royal offer to buy the privileges of Whiteness for a substantial sum of money attracted fifteen applicants before pressure from White elites ended the practice.

    Real life if is a simulation and we’re inside a videogame