You get an Ambien, and you get an Ambien. EVERYBODY GETS AN AMBIEN!!!

  • @Crismus
    -311 months ago

    So, the elites get all the fancy meth thy want for free, but I can’t get my necessary pain medication for the last 3 years. I’m stuck in a Lay z Boy and an office chair in constant pain while the eople mak8ng the rules denying my care can get anything they want…

    This is the worst timeline ever. Read the article, it was Obama and Trumo that both had this happen under.

    • athos77
      2511 months ago

      Read the article, it was Obama and Trumo that both had this happen under.

      That’s not what the article says. The article says that they interviewed people who worked there between 2009 and 2018. And if you read the linked Stat News article, that one specifically says

      It covers only activity in the office through early 2020 under the Trump administration, but investigators interviewed staffers who also worked there under former President Obama.

      There’s no mention of wrongdoing under Obama (so far).