Since there’s a Manga thread, what other comics do you like?

I read a lot of comics (after they are collected into graphic novels, need a season at a time to enjoy them) & loved:

Black Science

Paper Girls



ETA - Atomic Robo, how could I forget Atomic Robo. That series is fantastic.

  • @IonAddis
    31 year ago

    I’ve been following Kill Six Billion Demons online.

    I suppose it’s not purely sci-fi, but it certainly has a cosmic scope and some sci-fi elements, so I don’t think it’s too off-topic for this thread.

    Beware: I bounced off hard off the opening few pages. Then it got better. Like, REALLY better. Like, this is probably my favorite comic better.

    • @RBWellsOP
      21 year ago

      This looks amazing but aargh hard to see on my phone. Scrolling back and forth trying to see the art. Really need a tablet or something. And yes first scene ick.

      Most of the comics I have are not sci fi. More towards fantasy/horror. Sandman, Monstress, East of West, Lazarus, Black Monday Murders all are great. Highest House and Darkness Rising are one offs and also great. And oh my God I need to edit the post, I forgot Atomic Robo.

      • @IonAddis
        11 year ago

        Yeah, KSBD really is done in the old-school webcomic way. You really need a browser, there’s so much detail. Or to buy the books–they are sold in stores, but obviously don’t have the weekly update. Abbadon is on the last book though, so after that the entire series will be in print.