Printables link first

For the past 5 or so years, we’ve hard two bird feeders: one for larger birds and one for smaller birds. Another instance of the bird feeder in the photo above has been the smaller bird feeder until now. Over the years, I’ve fiddled with slip on adapters for the perches and eventually had to model a full replacement perch after a squirrel broke one of the original pot metal perches. My large bird feeder met the end of its life recently, and rather than replace it with a smaller capacity/larger perch unit I decided to modify my existing perch design to accommodate larger birds.

stock mount:

new mount:

back of new mount:

  • @callcc
    101 year ago

    Is it food grade though ^^

    • TragicNotCute
      51 year ago

      Mannnn, I was coming here to make that joke :(

      Looks great OP, nicely done.