After scuttling a months-long search for a new host, the Paramount Global network said it had enlisted Jon Stewart, who presided over the late-night mainstay’s most popular era, to serve as its host on Monday nights throughout the 2024 election cycle and to run the program. He is expected to oversee the program through 2025. Various “Daily Show” correspondents will host the program Tuesday through Thursday nights, and Jen Flanz, the current executive producer, will continue her duties on the show.

  • Snot Flickerman
    1 year ago

    Yeah it would mean a lot to me if Jon Stewart could just say “Okay, yeah, Chappelle is officially being hurtful on purpose.”

    Because he fucking is. Guy basically thinks trans people should have to suffer the indignities black people did to get respect… because he doesn’t realize they fucking did already. But beyond whether they did or not already, does Chappelle really want to fucking play Oppression Olympics? Fuck me man, I thought we all deserved respect because of human rights, not because we were supposed to suffer under abuse first. That’s some real Boomer shit, “It was bad for me, so I better see it being bad for you before I respect you.”

    • snooggums
      11 year ago

      Chapelle has completely shit the bed over thr last decade by switching from someone who had clever takes on racial issues with some shitty takes on other subjects to leaning entirely into spewing hate while crying about nonexistent cancel culture.

      Yes, Chapelle wants to play oppression Olympics while excusing his hot takes because he had ‘one trans friend’. I forced myself to watch most of his Closer special to see if it was as bad as people claimed and it was, so from here on out I will just assume the worst things said about him are probably true.

      • Snot Flickerman
        51 year ago

        while crying about nonexistent cancel culture.

        Isn’t it amazing that the people that cry about this the most fill stadiums for their shows? Must be fucking terrible to be “cancelled” and rolling in fucking money.

        • snooggums
          91 year ago

          The only people that have actually been canceled by ‘cancel culture’ are sex offenders like Bill Cosby and Kevin Spacey. Before that people like Harvey Weinstein was canceling women for not giving him blowjobs.

          Yeah, anyone who tries to milk the myth of cancel culture for publicity is a piece of shit.

          • @aesthelete
            1 year ago

            I would just like to add that I think the right more aggressively pursues the parody of “cancel culture” that they claim exists on the left. They canceled the Dixie Chicks who were nearing the height of their career and said something bad about Bush and the war in Iraq and were put out to pasture. Same thing with Sinead O’Connor and her ripping up a picture of the pope…there are dozens of examples…dozens! arrested_development_dozens.gif

            It’s the same thing they do with a lot of things. For instance they’ll claim the left is using “identity politics” while running on “keep black people out of the suburbs” and “keep gay people out of wedlock” as a platform.

            I personally believe the idea is to associate effective tools and mechanisms with “overreach by the left” so people on the left stop using them and they can continue to be used and abused purely for right-wing causes without critique.

            I mean look at how they’ll constantly associate “virtue signaling” with the left while they’re sending around Christmas cards with the whole family smiling and holding rifles.

            • Snot Flickerman
              31 year ago

              You can boil it down to “they don’t LIVE in good faith.”

              Everything is performative and a means to and end. They don’t have values other than power over others.

          • @yuriy
            31 year ago

            Oh but it’s so easy to just say “cancel culture!” in response to anything I don’t like! Damn libs taking everything good away.