MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Donald Trump didn’t just want to win in New Hampshire, he wanted to beat Nikki Haley so badly that his sole rival for the Republican presidential nomination would drop out before the next competitive contest in South Carolina a month away.

The former president easily bested the former South Carolina governor on Tuesday, but his carefully crafted strategy to drive Haley out of the race fell short, denying Trump the chance, for now, to focus all his attention on Democratic U.S. President Joe Biden and the November general election.

Trump, 77, was full of fury after Haley, 52, vowed in a Tuesday night speech to fight on, just two days after the other leading Republican contender, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, ended his campaign.

  • @LaunchesKayaks
    28 months ago

    I don’t have the option to move somewhere else. I am just starting my career and I somehow was able to buy a house. I can’t give this up. Not right now at least. I have too much going for me to flee.

    I have a plethora of health issues and take quite a few medications daily. Idk how I could get doctors and prescriptions established quick enough in another country. I’m also recovering from a severe ankle/leg injury and I’m looking at least a year before I could maybe be back to having a normally functioning right leg and foot.

    At this point, I’m just keeping to myself and only being open either on lemmy or with people I know and trust irl. I’m a closed book to strangers. I got new neighbors months ago and only met one of them two days ago because they got a package that was intended for me. I made the encounter quick and introduced myself (in my nice customer service voice) since my name was on the package the dude was holding.

    My house has an alarm system, all doors and windows are locked at all times, I have a weapon that I know how to use for defense, and my dogs are very VERY loud. I also keep some lights on inside my house all the time to make it seem like someone may be home at all times.

    Idk what else I can do to protect myself at this point other than vote and hope for the best.

    • @june
      18 months ago

      Oh me too. I bought my house 2 years ago and if things can stay even will actually be getting ahead otherwise.

      Fleeing is a ‘I’ll die if I don’t’ plan. Nothing else.

      • @LaunchesKayaks
        28 months ago

        Ah okay. I’m glad to hear you were able to buy a house! Idek how I got mine. I was like, “I think I’ll buy a house.” Then had one 6 months later. I do know that getting a USDA loan was a huge factor and the fact my parents let me live with them rent free while saving. The whole experience is a blur at this point though. I think the stress from it all just erased all memory of the process when I was handed the keys. It all happened almost 2 years ago and it still feels surreal. Dunno if I’ll ever get used to it tbh.

        • @june
          18 months ago

          lol I feel all that. I was married at the time and my ex wife’s rich aunt and uncle gave us 40k for… reasons? I think they said it was something to do with taxes. Idk. But that with our savings we had enough for a down payment in a conventional. We didn’t qualify for any other programs but it worked out.

          6 months later we broke up and I get to keep the house because my salary can afford it. We have an equity agreement in place for when I sell, but it’s a long term recoup for her. Worked out well for me tho

          • @LaunchesKayaks
            28 months ago

            I’m sorry your had to get a divorce. It’s dope you got to keep the house though. When I got my house, relatives gave me so much shit that I don’t have room for instead of money. I didn’t have to buy any furniture myself, which was really nice. My house is only 706 square feet. I have minimal storage as well so some stuff is still boxed until I figure out what tf to do with it. . My uncle did expensive electrical work for free, which was awesome. The seller cut me a check for the work at closing because he didn’t fix shit like he was supposed to. Got an extra $2500 that I used to buy a shed for my ducks lol.

            • @june
              18 months ago

              It’s ok. It honestly should have happened a lot sooner, but we were in denial when we bought the house. It’s a long story but buying the house changed everything for us. We’re both a lot happier now, so all good. ❤️