When Americans are asked to check a box indicating their religious affiliation, 28% now check ‘none.’

A new study from Pew Research finds that the religiously unaffiliated – a group comprised of atheists, agnostic and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular” – is now the largest cohort in the U.S. They’re more prevalent among American adults than Catholics (23%) or evangelical Protestants (24%).

“We know politically for example,” [Gregory Smith at Pew] says, “that religious Nones are very distinctive. They are among the most strongly and consistently liberal and Democratic constituencies in the United States.”

  • MotoAsh
    1 year ago

    I mean, some Christian sects teach that we’re here to be tested, right? What kind of good teacher slips you answers during the test?!

    It’s fucking never made sense. At all. Either we’re being tested or we’ve been abandoned, or it’s all just a misconstrued allegory about parenthood and authority and passing down good lessons.

    My money’s on the last. The overtly religious are all morons.