It does not sound fun to be forced to vote for a right wing union busting genocide supporter no, that the choice is between that and another even more dangerous right wing idiot shows the system doesn’t work.
All leftists are in tears, Biden is a center-right Capitalist. Leftists should vote for Biden, but they can understandably be upset that they have to vote for a Neoliberal just to prevent a fascist, while liberals and fascists get to gleefully trot to the ballot box and vote for someone that actually represents their views.
You want leftists to side with you happily? Maybe try appealing to leftists, instead of running on the basis of not being a fascist.
We’re headed for another 2000 election. A handful of campaign flaks are going to Brooks Brothers Riot a few counties in a red state with the blessing of a governor hostile to the very idea of democratic governance. Biden is going to meekly surrender after the election is straight up stolen on national television by far-right courts. And then the national media is going to find the real villain - not the thugs terrorizing polling places nationwide, not the nerds hemming and hawing about Rule of Law while the books are rewritten under their noses, not the national media fabricating bullshit smears 24/7 to keep the race up as a spectacle - but a dorky little 3rd party environmentalist nerd who dared to suggest that better things are possible.
Biden will shit the bed and Trump will run out the back door with the mattress, while every screaming Twitter avi will point the finger at this cycle’s Ralph Nader.
I mean yeah. That’s exactly it. One party is running on not changing anything in particular but keeping everyone exactly where they are, and the other is running on the idea of hurting people and will actually do it with power.
People don’t like to feel trapped in a bad situation even if others feel great about being trapped in a good one. The feeling of being unable to do anything or even trying to do anything will so much more disenfranchise the vote base than an Internet comment will but it’s definitely compounding.
But when you have a party run on a promise and meet their goals then it looks appealing and people will think they can sand off the rough edges cause at least there is movement, ignoring that the rough edges are what grabs more angry people.
I actually don’t see this election going well without Biden slamming into the fight like a WWE star trying to be a fan favorite and actually getting a win. Or standing up at least and taking the hits to the face to prove they care. Apathy and comfort, the plagues of the Democrats right now.
Out of the people in this thread who are complaining about Biden and the Democrats, how many of them have joined the party, organized, and have pushed to make changes from inside the party?
You know the answer, it’s none of them. Because most of them are here to make sure Trump wins, and the rest are those who are susceptible to that type of propaganda.
I mean I actually helped the campaign for several local government positions, including judges and State attorney. When all of those failed I actually tried running for a position myself getting with a “progressive election aid” group who told me I was too poor to run and that they would help me if I had some rich relatives I could reach out to for financial support, and then after that joined a socialist group that fell apart with no action available because there was no available pushback on the government with every position pretty much going to incumbents. I participate in debates. Email and mail my representatives, and participate in rallies.
I also criticize Biden.
You are really just saying what you want to think of the people who complain but not actually accepting that everyone is a complex person with their own fucked reasons for anything they do. It might be simple or complex but I doubt even the majority care that they are making Trump win they just want to lament and feel seen. Like everyone else.
Painting with a broad brush is easy but it misses the details. Individuals pushing against a larger system is going to result in practically nothing but somehow we fail to organize because we don’t get results at the smaller levels.
You can’t just blame the people who don’t know better, while ignoring that little effort is made to push them back against this apathy. It takes the people who believe in this helping get those voices heard too not just told to shut up and get in line.
Neoliberalism leads to and enables fascism down the road, but itself is not fascism. Neoliberalism is letting Capitalism loose, which will result in Capitalists gaining power and creating an absolute bourgeois state to oppress the Workers, typically by providing an “enemy” as a response to increasing disparity and a slipping of the grasp of Capital.
Fascism is a response to Neoliberalism, but is not the same, and in the US election the Neoliberal party and the fascist party vary significantly when it comes to social issues. Violence against minority populations is vastly increased under republican governance, and those I love are not privledged enough to not be in danger.
how does that violence compare to the violence of being sent to a country where you and your family are in danger? how does that violence compared to the violence of being locked up and a slave colony? how do you quantify this? I don’t believe it is quantifiable.
I said violence is higher under Republicans against minority populations, and gave proof. You are now saying that doesn’t matter and moving the goal posts.
That’s certainly a whattaboutism, considering Republicans have routinely bombed the fuck out of the Middle East as well. I gave you proof and you’re moving the goalposts.
I’m not moving the goal posts. they’re exactly where I planted them: you can’t quantify all violence, so you can’t say that it’s going to be higher under one administration or another against any group.
Elaborate. You said it’s fascism, then said liberal democracy is a breeding ground for fascism. Which is it? Is all reactionary ideology fascism?
This is what I mean. You have precisely no grounding in theoretical knowledge, and cannot understand the differences between a fascist movement that results from Neoliberalism, to Neoliberalism itself. That’s like saying a tadpole is an adult frog. Same species, Capitalist, but completely different stages.
fascism is a strictly regimented society in which every institution serves the state. under Mussolini the most obvious expression was corporatism and in fact that is the purest definition of fascism. sure, eco will talk about The racial stuff as Central but I don’t think Mussolini ever would. I think that he only saw that as part of strengthening the state just like almost every other country who was practicing eugenics at the time did, just like the United States.
fascists come to power out of liberal democracies because liberal democracies are incapable of preventing them. All they have to do is pitch themselves as " third positionist" like clinton did.
Tankies don’t know their own history. Stalin helped to found Israel, expecting it to be socialist. USSR was the first to recognise it de jure and Czechoslovakia supplied it with weapons.
Later, when Israel sided with the west, USSR started a policy of anti-zionism, restricted rights of Jewish people and supplied weapons to Israel’s enemies.
Man, if only Israel hadn’t been committing ethnic cleansing and operating the world’s largest open air prison for decades, they might not have had that attack committed against them. Apparently you think this gives Israel license to commit genocide, even though the number of Israelis who died on October 7th is a fraction of the number of Palestinians killed up to that point. Now with Israel’s ramped up campaign of genocide that you love so much, the number of Palestinians dead even further eclipse those of Israelis to a much higher degree. Tell me, how many Palestinians have to die to quench your bloodlust? How many of those 25,000+ Palestinians that have died since October 7th deserved to die because Hamas did an attack, or does only October 7th count for some reason?
A smart person knows you don’t help destroy a democracy to teach people a lesson. This is why people usually think tankies are ignorant foolish idealistic children.
Nah, it’s just that tankies only study the books they like. They think repeating “After Hitler, our turn!” Will turn out differently for leftists this time, somehow.
If they’re from another country sure, they don’t need to care about what happens to us, if they’re Americans then they never heard the phrase “don’t shit where you sleep.” because their honor won’t save them from what comes next…
deleted by creator
It does not sound fun to be forced to vote for a right wing union busting genocide supporter no, that the choice is between that and another even more dangerous right wing idiot shows the system doesn’t work.
All leftists are in tears, Biden is a center-right Capitalist. Leftists should vote for Biden, but they can understandably be upset that they have to vote for a Neoliberal just to prevent a fascist, while liberals and fascists get to gleefully trot to the ballot box and vote for someone that actually represents their views.
You want leftists to side with you happily? Maybe try appealing to leftists, instead of running on the basis of not being a fascist.
We’re headed for another 2000 election. A handful of campaign flaks are going to Brooks Brothers Riot a few counties in a red state with the blessing of a governor hostile to the very idea of democratic governance. Biden is going to meekly surrender after the election is straight up stolen on national television by far-right courts. And then the national media is going to find the real villain - not the thugs terrorizing polling places nationwide, not the nerds hemming and hawing about Rule of Law while the books are rewritten under their noses, not the national media fabricating bullshit smears 24/7 to keep the race up as a spectacle - but a dorky little 3rd party environmentalist nerd who dared to suggest that better things are possible.
Biden will shit the bed and Trump will run out the back door with the mattress, while every screaming Twitter avi will point the finger at this cycle’s Ralph Nader.
I mean yeah. That’s exactly it. One party is running on not changing anything in particular but keeping everyone exactly where they are, and the other is running on the idea of hurting people and will actually do it with power.
People don’t like to feel trapped in a bad situation even if others feel great about being trapped in a good one. The feeling of being unable to do anything or even trying to do anything will so much more disenfranchise the vote base than an Internet comment will but it’s definitely compounding.
But when you have a party run on a promise and meet their goals then it looks appealing and people will think they can sand off the rough edges cause at least there is movement, ignoring that the rough edges are what grabs more angry people.
I actually don’t see this election going well without Biden slamming into the fight like a WWE star trying to be a fan favorite and actually getting a win. Or standing up at least and taking the hits to the face to prove they care. Apathy and comfort, the plagues of the Democrats right now.
Out of the people in this thread who are complaining about Biden and the Democrats, how many of them have joined the party, organized, and have pushed to make changes from inside the party?
You know the answer, it’s none of them. Because most of them are here to make sure Trump wins, and the rest are those who are susceptible to that type of propaganda.
Meanwhile, Democrats push for a two-state solution:
Republicans push for genocide:
I mean I actually helped the campaign for several local government positions, including judges and State attorney. When all of those failed I actually tried running for a position myself getting with a “progressive election aid” group who told me I was too poor to run and that they would help me if I had some rich relatives I could reach out to for financial support, and then after that joined a socialist group that fell apart with no action available because there was no available pushback on the government with every position pretty much going to incumbents. I participate in debates. Email and mail my representatives, and participate in rallies.
I also criticize Biden.
You are really just saying what you want to think of the people who complain but not actually accepting that everyone is a complex person with their own fucked reasons for anything they do. It might be simple or complex but I doubt even the majority care that they are making Trump win they just want to lament and feel seen. Like everyone else.
Painting with a broad brush is easy but it misses the details. Individuals pushing against a larger system is going to result in practically nothing but somehow we fail to organize because we don’t get results at the smaller levels.
You can’t just blame the people who don’t know better, while ignoring that little effort is made to push them back against this apathy. It takes the people who believe in this helping get those voices heard too not just told to shut up and get in line.
Username checks out.
neoliberalism is fascism
That’s what exactly no theory does to someone.
Neoliberalism leads to and enables fascism down the road, but itself is not fascism. Neoliberalism is letting Capitalism loose, which will result in Capitalists gaining power and creating an absolute bourgeois state to oppress the Workers, typically by providing an “enemy” as a response to increasing disparity and a slipping of the grasp of Capital.
Fascism is a response to Neoliberalism, but is not the same, and in the US election the Neoliberal party and the fascist party vary significantly when it comes to social issues. Violence against minority populations is vastly increased under republican governance, and those I love are not privledged enough to not be in danger.
citation needed, because Mike Brown was murdered under the deporter in chief, and Biden wrote the crime bill that clinton signed.
Pretty easy to Google yourself, but here’s one of the first results.
how does that violence compare to the violence of being sent to a country where you and your family are in danger? how does that violence compared to the violence of being locked up and a slave colony? how do you quantify this? I don’t believe it is quantifiable.
I said violence is higher under Republicans against minority populations, and gave proof. You are now saying that doesn’t matter and moving the goal posts.
Touch grass.
you gave one expression of violence that may be higher under Republicans, but how do you quantify all violence?
Obama straight up murdered an American citizen for going to the wrong wedding. being Muslim is dangerous under Democrats.
That’s certainly a whattaboutism, considering Republicans have routinely bombed the fuck out of the Middle East as well. I gave you proof and you’re moving the goalposts.
I’m not moving the goal posts. they’re exactly where I planted them: you can’t quantify all violence, so you can’t say that it’s going to be higher under one administration or another against any group.
no, neoliberalism is fascism. liberal democracies are breeding grounds for fascism.
You contradicted yourself. Neoliberalism is not fascism, it provides the breeding grounds for fascism.
neoliberalism is fascism. I didn’t contradict myself.
Elaborate. You said it’s fascism, then said liberal democracy is a breeding ground for fascism. Which is it? Is all reactionary ideology fascism?
This is what I mean. You have precisely no grounding in theoretical knowledge, and cannot understand the differences between a fascist movement that results from Neoliberalism, to Neoliberalism itself. That’s like saying a tadpole is an adult frog. Same species, Capitalist, but completely different stages.
They think so therefore they’re right. I’ve seen far too many ludicrous statements by people that clearly came before the evidence, not after it.
fascism is a strictly regimented society in which every institution serves the state. under Mussolini the most obvious expression was corporatism and in fact that is the purest definition of fascism. sure, eco will talk about The racial stuff as Central but I don’t think Mussolini ever would. I think that he only saw that as part of strengthening the state just like almost every other country who was practicing eugenics at the time did, just like the United States.
fascists come to power out of liberal democracies because liberal democracies are incapable of preventing them. All they have to do is pitch themselves as " third positionist" like clinton did.
neoliberalism is fascism.
Tankies don’t know their own history. Stalin helped to found Israel, expecting it to be socialist. USSR was the first to recognise it de jure and Czechoslovakia supplied it with weapons.
Later, when Israel sided with the west, USSR started a policy of anti-zionism, restricted rights of Jewish people and supplied weapons to Israel’s enemies.
Cheering on genocide to spite the tankies.
deleted by creator
Man, if only Israel hadn’t been committing ethnic cleansing and operating the world’s largest open air prison for decades, they might not have had that attack committed against them. Apparently you think this gives Israel license to commit genocide, even though the number of Israelis who died on October 7th is a fraction of the number of Palestinians killed up to that point. Now with Israel’s ramped up campaign of genocide that you love so much, the number of Palestinians dead even further eclipse those of Israelis to a much higher degree. Tell me, how many Palestinians have to die to quench your bloodlust? How many of those 25,000+ Palestinians that have died since October 7th deserved to die because Hamas did an attack, or does only October 7th count for some reason?
No one has to vote for Genocide Joe. Imagine calling people tankies while living in the most authoritarian country on earth.
deleted by creator
Tankies are probably more like this:
A smart person knows you don’t help destroy a democracy to teach people a lesson. This is why people usually think tankies are ignorant foolish idealistic children.
Nah, it’s just that tankies only study the books they like. They think repeating “After Hitler, our turn!” Will turn out differently for leftists this time, somehow.
Grow up.
I’m not the one using political slurs.
No, you just whine and cry about bullshit you knew nothing about several months ago- and post shit memes.
You got me. I’m a 12 year old who chose the name TokenBoomer.
Sounds just dumb enough to be true to me.
Not when their learning takes me down the hole with them.
If they’re from another country sure, they don’t need to care about what happens to us, if they’re Americans then they never heard the phrase “don’t shit where you sleep.” because their honor won’t save them from what comes next…
_looks around _
. . . America is covered in shit already.
More shit is still more shit.
Not enough crying about Biden shitting in their pants. (It couldn’t have been them, was definitely Biden)
That’s some stale projection.
Smells quite ripe when they pass on the streets.