• Sybil
    -98 months ago

    neoliberalism is fascism

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      198 months ago

      That’s what exactly no theory does to someone.

      Neoliberalism leads to and enables fascism down the road, but itself is not fascism. Neoliberalism is letting Capitalism loose, which will result in Capitalists gaining power and creating an absolute bourgeois state to oppress the Workers, typically by providing an “enemy” as a response to increasing disparity and a slipping of the grasp of Capital.

      Fascism is a response to Neoliberalism, but is not the same, and in the US election the Neoliberal party and the fascist party vary significantly when it comes to social issues. Violence against minority populations is vastly increased under republican governance, and those I love are not privledged enough to not be in danger.

      • Sybil
        -78 months ago

        Violence against minority populations is vastly increased under republican governance

        citation needed, because Mike Brown was murdered under the deporter in chief, and Biden wrote the crime bill that clinton signed.

          • Sybil
            -78 months ago

            how does that violence compare to the violence of being sent to a country where you and your family are in danger? how does that violence compared to the violence of being locked up and a slave colony? how do you quantify this? I don’t believe it is quantifiable.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              48 months ago

              I said violence is higher under Republicans against minority populations, and gave proof. You are now saying that doesn’t matter and moving the goal posts.

              Touch grass.

              • Sybil
                -38 months ago

                you gave one expression of violence that may be higher under Republicans, but how do you quantify all violence?

                • Cowbee [he/him]
                  48 months ago

                  Violence is bad. Higher rates of violent hate crimes is worse. Simple as.

                  Democrats at least are socially progressive, even if their foreign policy and economic policies are reactionary. As such, it is safer to be queer or an ethnic minority under democrats. Republicans literally run on the platform of “brown people bad” and “immigrants are dangerous people stealing our jobs,” and as such under Republicans, hate crimes rise.

                  The only way you can genuinely not know this is if you yourself are so privledged that it doesn’t impact you.

                  • Sybil
                    -38 months ago

                    so it doesn’t matter how many families Obama broke up or deported because that’s not classes as a hate crime? absurd.

          • Sybil
            -88 months ago

            Obama straight up murdered an American citizen for going to the wrong wedding. being Muslim is dangerous under Democrats.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              98 months ago

              That’s certainly a whattaboutism, considering Republicans have routinely bombed the fuck out of the Middle East as well. I gave you proof and you’re moving the goalposts.

              • Sybil
                -38 months ago

                I’m not moving the goal posts. they’re exactly where I planted them: you can’t quantify all violence, so you can’t say that it’s going to be higher under one administration or another against any group.

                • Cowbee [he/him]
                  48 months ago

                  I can. I gave proof, higher rates of hate crimes is bad, and Bush obviously got the US involved in Iraq. US foreign policy is extremely Imperialist, yes, but the dems feign social progressivism while the reps include hatred of minorities as a part of their platform.

                  • Sybil
                    -28 months ago

                    you only gave statistics on what the fascist government classes as illegal violence.

      • Sybil
        -128 months ago

        Neoliberalism leads to and enables fascism down the road, but itself is not fascism.

        no, neoliberalism is fascism. liberal democracies are breeding grounds for fascism.

        • Cowbee [he/him]
          108 months ago

          You contradicted yourself. Neoliberalism is not fascism, it provides the breeding grounds for fascism.

          • Sybil
            -68 months ago

            neoliberalism is fascism. I didn’t contradict myself.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              68 months ago

              Elaborate. You said it’s fascism, then said liberal democracy is a breeding ground for fascism. Which is it? Is all reactionary ideology fascism?

              This is what I mean. You have precisely no grounding in theoretical knowledge, and cannot understand the differences between a fascist movement that results from Neoliberalism, to Neoliberalism itself. That’s like saying a tadpole is an adult frog. Same species, Capitalist, but completely different stages.

              • @assassin_aragorn
                58 months ago


                They think so therefore they’re right. I’ve seen far too many ludicrous statements by people that clearly came before the evidence, not after it.

              • Sybil
                -38 months ago

                fascism is a strictly regimented society in which every institution serves the state. under Mussolini the most obvious expression was corporatism and in fact that is the purest definition of fascism. sure, eco will talk about The racial stuff as Central but I don’t think Mussolini ever would. I think that he only saw that as part of strengthening the state just like almost every other country who was practicing eugenics at the time did, just like the United States.

                fascists come to power out of liberal democracies because liberal democracies are incapable of preventing them. All they have to do is pitch themselves as " third positionist" like clinton did.

                neoliberalism is fascism.

                • Cowbee [he/him]
                  38 months ago

                  You explained what I already said: Neoliberalism creates the conditions for fascism. When one candidate is a Neoliberal, they leave the door open for fascism. When one candidate is a fascist, you’re straight jumping to fascism.

                  Delaying the slide to fascism by voting neoliberal is the preferred course of action.

                  You’re a fed, you have no knowledge of theory and exist purely to spoil the pot.

                  • @Hamartia
                    -18 months ago

                    A tiger cub is still a tiger. You can cuddle and pet a tiger cub. Even let your kids play with it. But a full grown tiger? That’s dangerous to have around, especially if it gets hungry.