Can humanity overcome calamity to resist fate once again?Fight to survive in a future of despair.Title: Earth Defense Force 6Genre: 3D Action ShooterConsole:...
They have tried that a few times, it doesn’t work. People don’t buy them and people aren’t interested in a “more modern” EDF. we want EDF, we are okay with the bad graphics because we want thousands of ants. all that matters are the ants, and how many of them there are. But for real they have tried to do what you want a few times. you might like the Chibi Blocky version they made on switch, or the unreal engine version they made for ps4 a few years ago, or the xbox 360 version they made to appeal to modern tastes. fans didn’t.
also this is a tiny studio of just a handful of people, they aren’t “on cruise control”.
I am a fan, have played every single version they’ve released save for 6. They have never broken out of their lane, in my opinion. I’m not asking for a fundamental shift in gameplay, or fewer ants (if you play long enough you’ll discover there are also spiders, aliens and more), and I understand the limitations they’re under being a small studio, but I can still dream of something more.
They have tried that a few times, it doesn’t work. People don’t buy them and people aren’t interested in a “more modern” EDF. we want EDF, we are okay with the bad graphics because we want thousands of ants. all that matters are the ants, and how many of them there are. But for real they have tried to do what you want a few times. you might like the Chibi Blocky version they made on switch, or the unreal engine version they made for ps4 a few years ago, or the xbox 360 version they made to appeal to modern tastes. fans didn’t.
also this is a tiny studio of just a handful of people, they aren’t “on cruise control”.
I am a fan, have played every single version they’ve released save for 6. They have never broken out of their lane, in my opinion. I’m not asking for a fundamental shift in gameplay, or fewer ants (if you play long enough you’ll discover there are also spiders, aliens and more), and I understand the limitations they’re under being a small studio, but I can still dream of something more.
Who are you to stifle my dreams?