They do this all the time. Maybe Biden should call their bluff, execute his powers as Commander in Chief, and order the National Guard in Texas to turn on State Police.

  • AutistoMephistoOP
    101 year ago

    No matter what Biden does, they’re going to do what they’re going to do.

    Ah, another Innuendo Studios fan, I see. Yes, just like he said in “Alt-Right Playbook Ep. 3, ‘You Go High, We Go Low’”,

    Republicans are going to cry “So much for the tolerant left!” no matter what form our opposition takes, so the obvious solution is to just ignore them. But clearly it’s more complicated than that, or we wouldn’t be having this issue.

    This business with the border is another example of them going low, and Biden and Democrats trying to keep the moral high ground.

    • @givesomefucks
      141 year ago

      Fuck that.

      The high ground is fighting fascism.

      Lincoln tried apeasment leading up to Civil War 1 and all that did was give the South time to build strength.

      We just saw how bad of an idea it is to crush an insurrection slowly. And there are shit ton of examples of how well appeasing extremists works worldwide.

      As soon as Abbots letter came out, Biden should have activated them under title 10, had them remove any remaining razor wire and the rest of the bullshit. If Abbott tried to move cops or a “militia”, then everyone involved should be arrested for sedation.

      This isn’t normal republican bullshit from a decade ago.

      This shit is as serious as conservative extremists make it. Giving in a little just emboldens them, and ignoring them does the same thing.

      I say this as a veteran of the US military:

      There’s a shit ton of US active military who would be willing to overthrow the government for some conservative bullshit.

      We can’t underestimate them. Even if they’re idiots, they’re dangerous idiots.

      • @MotoAsh
        21 year ago

        I constantly tell Democrats this, and am constantly met with childish accusations of overreaction.

        This country is completely fucked for the simple reason that there is literally no left wing. There is nothing to counter the unjust and illegal maneuvers fascists deploy that democrats are willing to use. It’s pathetic.

    • gregorum
      51 year ago

      The Alt-Right Playbook is one of the best video essay series on YouTube