• @Suavevillain
    248 months ago

    Firefox with vertical tabs works great for me.

    • @ItsMeSpez
      128 months ago

      Vertical tabs are honestly one of the single most important features of a web browser for me these days. I honestly can’t believe how much of a difference it makes.

      • Schrodinger's Dinger
        8 months ago

        Every time I have tried a different browser than Firefox I could never get it set up quite right. I never strayed from Firefox only because of the openness of the add-ons and customization, even when Firefox was miles behind when it came to browsing speed in the early 2010s as Chrome was popping off.

        Anyone who tells me Chrome is better hasn’t seen my multitude of tab add-ons which are the only thing that hold my online life together.

        Plus, I recall google limiting adblockers and such on Chrome at a certain point. Firefox would never

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          I want to see your multitude of tab add-ons. I’m always looking for ways to improve my experience but I never even considered messing with tabs and now I wonder what I’m missing out on!

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Session buddy was a big one for me in college when I had an overwhelming number of tabs open but didn’t want to forget about what was on them. Basically just archives all your open tabs to a single page you can refine and look back at, so you can quickly just close everything and start fresh without actually losing anything meaningful or cluttering up your bookmarks.

            The marvellous suspender helped prevent those tabs from using so much memory. Chrome hogs enough memory as it is lol.

            I have one called tab manager plus which looks handy but I honestly forgot it was there before I ever actually used it lol

          • Schrodinger's Dinger
            27 months ago

            Sorry for the extremely late reply. But anyways, I use Auto Tab Discard - Frees up ram with unused tabs

            Sideberry - a vertical option to organize and search tabs with a overwhelming plethora of options

            Tab Session Manager - To make sure I don’t lose my tabs if my browser crashes

            Tab Stash - to hide away bundles of tabs so I can sort through them later

            Window Titler - To name my different windows I have open in order to keep things organized on my windows toolbar. I use the old school windows toolbar layout which has text beside the icon. I like it this way instead of going through little popup windows to sort through my shit.

        • @omnomed
          38 months ago

          I wouldn’t say preferable but it’s definitely very useful. When you have about 45+ tabs open(Yeah I do that) and the vertical tabs are too squished to show their titles, you have to then manually swap between tabs by either clicking or ctrl+tab etc to search for a specific tab.

          Vertical tabs are like sidebar links in explorer except better, you can search tabs by address or title, drag and drop them for organizing, pin them to the top etc.