Hey all! This may be kind of a dumb post as I know I need to make this decision myself, but I‘d sure love some advice. My oldest dog is 11, going on 12. The poor girl is diabetic, blind, has fatty lipomas, and mobility issues due to diabetes, breed, and age. This morning, we are fairly sure she had a stroke of some sort (the vet agrees with this diagnosis so far, blood work and an X-ray are incoming). She eats but doesn’t really want to get up much, and is generally just resting most of the day. She still has a bit of sparkle in her eyes but she doesn’t really seem to have much energy left. The vet hasn’t mentioned it, but I‘m pretty sure it’s about time to say goodbye. The most important thing to my partner and I is that once she’s suffering, it’s time to let go. She just ate a nice full dinner but still doesn’t want to get up and do much. How long would you give her? Till she’s not eating? The vet hasn’t brought it up yet, so maybe I should be patient, but she’s been such a good friend, I don’t want her to suffer. I’m just at a loss, and this is the first time I‘ve had to do this horrible calculus.

  • @Yamainwitch
    48 months ago

    I’m so sorry for what you and your girl are going through. You are both so lucky to have each other. She’s been holding on for you because she loves you so much and you have taken such good care of her. I read somewhere that to our animal friends we are like elves, so long lived and seemingly unchanging that their lifetimes are so short to us but we are their whole lives. I think that you will know when it’s time, you can probably tell when she is in pain whether she wants you to or not. In the mean time snuggle her, spoil her, feel the warmth and texture of her fur. The time you have now is so precious. When she refuses food, or struggles to breathe it’s time. But for now, just love her and give her some pets for me too ❤️

    • @wintermutehalOP
      48 months ago

      I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kindness. Thank you so much. I’m crying hard after reading that, but you’re right. This girl has been strong so long, it’s time to return the favor. We are going to go ahead and get her x-rays on Tuesday (earliest they can do) and enjoy our time fully till then, barring any unforeseen changes. You‘ve really touched me with your words. I think it’s about that time, as hard as that may be.