• @RealFknNito
    115 months ago


    Pretending that there’s a left wing equivalent to the rampant retardation of the right is the most bad faith comparison I’ve seen. This week.

    Biden is left of the right but is still to the right of many progressives. We can’t expect him to be a Bernie Sanders. Biden is the compromise. The “Good enough I guess” vote. The “Not fucking Trump” vote. The safe choice to minimize damage, not the radical changes we actually need.

    • GodlessCommie
      -95 months ago

      Imagine being happy with compromises all your life, because you feel desolate and powerless… voters wouldn’t feel that way if they didn’t compromise

      • @RealFknNito
        5 months ago

        Imagine getting force fucked and taking massive losses over and over again because rather than mitigate some of the damage you just shrug because you couldn’t mitigate all of it.

        Imagine if we stopped sending food to starving people because “well we can’t feed all of them so why try?” or stopped fighting climate change because “well we can’t stop all the pollution from fossil fuels so may as well let them rape the planet.” Jesus fuck I can’t imagine what warped your mind that badly.

        • GodlessCommie
          -35 months ago

          That sounds like some of that lesser evil bullshit that doesn’t exist.

          People are hungry because liberals compromise, we’re experiencing climate change because liberals compromise by supporting candidates that only talk about it, but then pass legislation that has no teeth. I guess I should be saying capitulate instead of compromise because that’s all they do

          • @RealFknNito
            15 months ago

            My fucking brother in Christ what you are advocating for is fascism. A “strong eats weak” mentality that has produced some of the worst human suffering we have ever recorded. Literally Nazi shit. USSR shit. Compromise is the difference between diplomatic solutions everyone can agree to, begrudgingly or not, and mass graves of men, women, and children of those who sought to disagree. Even capitulation is defined as “surrender with no resistance”.

            In other words, fuck off you godless commie.

            • GodlessCommie
              -35 months ago

              Liberals have surrendered with no resistance. Bitching on social media is not resistance. Refusing to support those inflicting pain and suffering on others is resisting. Protecting the status quo is protecting fascism, which this country is knee deep in.

              • @RealFknNito
                15 months ago

                Then you sir, are retarded. Have a nice day.