Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said in a Friday letter to his colleagues that Senate legislation addressing the border and aid to Ukraine and other countries would have been “dead on arrival” in the House, if reports about its terms are true.

  • @Rottcodd
    98 months ago

    The Republicans have never been interested in actually addressing any of the supposed problems with the border. The whole thing has always been just an emotive diversion - just something they can posture over and get the base worked up over.

    They can’t run on their actual policy goals, which boil down to “elect us so we can fuck you over to serve the interests of our rich cronies and patrons,” so they need something else to distract people. And that’s exactly the purpose that immigration and the border serves.

    And with the nice added bonus that accomplishing nothing of any significance with the border ensures the uninterrupted flow of cheap labor for their cronies, and directing public hatred against them ensures that they remain second-class (non)-citizens, ripe for exploitation.

    • mommykink
      8 months ago

      Why would they be interested in solving the problems? As long as migrants are coming in and “taking jerbs!”^1 , they can convince the uneducated that the repubs are on their side.

      Secure border = no migrants = no scapegoats for conservatives to blame for everything they’ve done wrong. No one is more pro-illegal immigration than Washington Republicans.

      1: read: escaping cartel violence and working hard manual labor jobs that no American would ever do anyway