YouTube said in a statement Thursday that it isn’t planning to launch a new app for the Apple Vision Pro, nor will it allow its longstanding iPad application to work on the device. YouTube, like Netflix, is recommending that customers use a web browser if they want to see its content: “YouTube users will be able to use YouTube in Safari on the Vision Pro at launch.”

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Google’s core business is ultimately ad sales, and any way they can collect data on you to sell you ads, and the get you to look at those ads, is revenue for them. Sure they would be able to collect more data if they had full control over your device, but as long as you’re watching their ads at all they are making money.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      yeah but this is a very niche product.

      why invest whatever the fuck amount of money for 0.0001% of users to have a great ad-viewing experience, when they can just shoehorn the web app and play the ads anyway?

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Yeah I agree. The web version is always available without the pretense of device-specific support, so until the platform is established there isn’t much of a motive.