Before you decide to ragepost in the comments about how terrible either of these guys are, please take a moment and look at how happy they are. Wouldn’t this be a nice outcome for a change?
Before you decide to ragepost in the comments about how terrible either of these guys are, please take a moment and look at how happy they are. Wouldn’t this be a nice outcome for a change?
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I’m sorry you feel that way, but to tell you the truth, resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
— Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)
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You sure about that? Might want to look up the story of Angulimala before you go bragging about how much of a badass you are.
The guy supposedly killed 999 people, cut off a finger of each of them, and made himself a chain to hang around his neck before he tried to kill the Buddha. What happens next will shock you…
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Sounds like you’re just gonna have to keep murdering people until you meet a Buddha then.
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Yes, you are right.
Your right, of course. All religious texts are fantasy fiction.
They’re all silly. The Bible is no better. None of them are.
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I can tell you as a member of a marginalized community that that’s not actually accurate.
Okay, feel free to take it up with the Buddha, then. I’m just the messenger.
Hurr durr I can sit on a rock and cope too doesent mean I want to, I do agree with one thing tho resentment without action is drinking poison
I imagine you’re furiously masturbating to the thought of having eked out a reaction from other people on an anonymous internet forum. Carry on being you, friend.
Thx Mate <3 (also proud of you for finally installing f-droid)
Yeah okay bro, keep drinking the haterade then, see where it gets ya. I promise you’ll have never felt more sorrow in your life than on the day you succeed in slaying all your enemies.
No been there done that the important part is to see past revenge revenge without thinking of the after is meaningless getting revenge and then living it up is heaven × most people think revenge is bad because they can’t see past it and cant live separate from it
I think we can both agree that keeping hate in your heart is a bad thing we just have different methods if dealing with it
Don’t worry, it took AI for you to witness a genuine Trump smile.