I do this for a few things, movies in particular. For me most recently, I’m planning on watching Bo Burnham’s Inside this weekend, for the first time since I watched it shortly post-release. I wasn’t really intending to wait *checks watch* nearly 3 years on that one, but I definitely felt it needed some space before a rewatch.

Anyone else treat certain pieces of media similarly?

  • Scrubbles
    1411 months ago

    Most comedy specials, the George Carlin post today reminded me of that. If you listen too frequently they’ll lose their punch, and you’ll stop listening to what they’re saying. Every few years I’ll listen to him (and a few other comedians) and it reminds me of everything

    • @mihnt
      1111 months ago

      Gotta do a Bill Hicks listen through every few years myself.

      • Chozo
        811 months ago

        Add Mitch Hedberg to the pile, while you’re at it.