cross-posted from:

I setup this community specifically because of the time I’ve spent over the years browsing and relying on for sources of information on tips/tricks, security exploits & patches, outages, and yes even the ranting about how our jobs all suck. (I like mine, for what it’s worth.)

Come on down, ask questions, post what the sysadmin community needs to know about, or head in to get either sympathy or chastisement about why you haven’t left your job yet. 🤣

Want to be a mod? Let me know!

  • @Gee2oo40
    32 years ago

    Without RiF, Reddit has managed to push me away. I’m here via WefWef on Android. Thank you.

    • @trailg62bim
      42 years ago

      I keep seeing people talk about wefwef but I dont see it in the play store. Do you have to install it separately? I know I can get it from their website but it feels a bit sketch that I dont see it in the play store.

      • @ccunning
        32 years ago

        It’s a progressive web app. The web app is all there is.