I’m using the ConbeeII stick on a RPi3 and recently a few of my zigbee devices has just dropped out of the zigbee network. Only battery powered devices from what I can tell. I can delete them and add them again, and then they work for some time, maybe hours, maybe days, but they all just stop reporting any status updates.

I thought perhaps updating ConbeeII to the latest firmware would help, but it appears it didn’t.

Anything I can do to fix this? Other than buying a new stick of a different brand?

    • Geronimo Wenja
      22 years ago

      How are the Trådfri bulbs? I haven’t tried them out yet. It’d be good to have a cheaper option.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I totally missed this but basically you have to just put the bulbs in pairing mode–6 on and off (note that it has to be with 1 second pauses between each on/off cycle–that threw me off).

        But after that it will show up as a zigbee device same as any–no IKEA hub required