Last night I fell down a flight of stairs and rolled my ankle bad. It’s black and blue and swollen but my s/o has no sympathy for me already. In context I only ask her to help me to the bathroom. Besides crawling, which I do now, should I duke it out more? I just don’t understand, I can’t physically put weight on it(without involuntarily screaming).

  • gregorum
    11 months ago

    it should be elevated and iced continuously. if it doesn’t improve somewhat in 24hrs, go to urgent care/ED because it may be broken.

    it should also be wrapped and braced.

    DO NOT walk on it or put any weight on it.

    Edit: even if you didn’t break it, you have severely sprained it, and very likely tore some ligaments. You will need crutches for at least two weeks. Put as a little weight on it as possible during recovery or it will take longer to recover. Ibuprofen for the swelling, keep it wrapped and braced, and ice it when you’re not on it while keeping it elevated.

      • gregorum
        11 months ago

        also, don’t take anything stronger than ibuprofen so you can gauge the pain. that’s diagnostically relevant.

        If what you’re doing hurts, stop doing that.