• @Leviathan
    188 months ago

    Imagine thinking you’ll even be able to legally protest if Trump is president.

    • @[email protected]
      188 months ago

      Is this what we can expect for every criticism of the Biden administration for the next year? All you are really telling swing voters is that their opinion is irrelevant. What do you think that will do for turnout? Why do you think the administration itself isn’t making use of this brilliant electoral strategy? When Trump wins, you can thank the guy in the mirror.

      • @Leviathan
        -18 months ago

        Did I say their opinion is irrelevant? I said, like last time, Trump will attack them and try to outlaw protests while working for the highest bidder. It’s not an attempt at swaying, it’s stating fact. You don’t get change by replacing the status quo guy with a straight up fascist.

        • @[email protected]
          138 months ago

          If ever criticism is met with “But Trump…”, then you are making their opinion irrelevant. There will always be a worse Republican.

          • @Leviathan
            -48 months ago

            Pelosi is currently calling for protests to be suppressed. I care more about what politicians are actually doing than what you imagine they are going to do in your CNN addled brain

            I don’t watch CNN, but I did watch Trump call for the National guard to deal with protesters and tear gas them for a photo op.

            It literally is not, you’re just speculating.

            It’s fact, based on his track record.

            Fascism is the status quo.

            Maybe, but I’ll take “maybe fascism” over full on Christofascism.

            At least Biden’s not tear gassing protesters to take a picture holding a Bible for masturbating Christofascists.

            Btw, I’m in no way a Biden supporter, but I’ll be fucked if I support Trump.

      • @Leviathan
        8 months ago

        And when he was president he regularly tried to outlaw protests, tear gasses them, etc. Not to mention a Trump presidency costed Roe v Wade and stacked the supreme Court with bought and sold Christofascists. I didn’t say he never was president, I said he’ll straight up outlaw protests the next time he is, which he was well on his way to doing the last time.

          • @Leviathan
            68 months ago

            Pure vibes. The Trump administration was no worse for protests than any other administration in my life time.

            Are you a small child? He literally tear gassed protesters to take a photo op.

            Yeah, great job there, Biden.

            Nope. Trump’s admin.

            The Democrats literally let the Republicans have two of those seats.

            They didn’t have the house, plus they’re not great, but they’re better than Trump.

            Want to make a bet on it?

            It’s not a game and I’m not a child. He will.

            Lol no.

            Lol yeah, he literally wanted to call in the National guard, you can look it up.

          • @Donebrach
            -18 months ago

            What does this comment mean in this thread?

          • @[email protected]
            -118 months ago

            I’m not saying that anywhere LoL. Although now that you bring him up, that’s a clear recent example of how easily influenced Americans are by foreign influence.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Interesting how when the shoe is on the other foot, y’all start to sound a whole lot like Trump did back when he was… rightfully accused.

                We know people are being paid to show up, we can see the professionalism in the media they’re using but you aren’t at all curious about where that money’s coming from? Canada is literally investigating foreign influence on their elections right now, America has found interference in theirs but because your cause du jour is being keyed on, it’s fascism to want to know more?

                Fascinating watching this all unfold.