The Biden campaign is planning a spring fundraiser for the president to appear with his two Democratic predecessors.

President Joe Biden’s campaign is trying to organize a first-of-its-kind fundraiser that officials hope would be lucrative and headline-grabbing, but also energizing for Democratic voters who so far have not shown enthusiasm for the party’s 2024 ticket, according to four people familiar with the planning.

The idea is for three Democratic presidents — Biden, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — to appear together at a fundraiser this spring, the four people familiar with the discussions said.

Discussions are underway to coordinate the presidents’ schedules, these people said, though no date has been set. The fundraiser would likely take place in March or April, two of the sources familiar with the discussions said.

The plan underscores the belief among Biden allies that the party needs an all-hands-on-deck approach to help him win a second term. It’s also just one in a growing list of ways that Democratic leaders, and the Biden campaign, are gearing up for a general election they view as having the highest of stakes.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    18 months ago

    To be fair, if Trump wins, there’s a decent chance he’d eventually imprison all of them.