Topped with a sprinkling of cocoa

This turned out to be the perfect drink to exactly finish off both my Bailey’s and my vodka before I restock my bar cart.

I used this recipe (halved of course) but added two maraschino cherries and their syrup for a bit of cherry flavor. Since I didn’t have any chocolate shavings my girlfriend also suggested topping it with some cocoa which turned out to be a wonderful addition that added extra chocolate flavor with every sip. The cherries on the other hand weren’t that noticeable until I started getting closer to the bottom, not a bad addition but I guess that’s what happens when you have so many strong flavors in a drink.

Fun fact, the cocoa I used is actually the namesake for the Droste effect, where the subject of the art holds a miniature version of the art that depicts them creating a recursive loop.

  • MysticKetchupOP
    1 year ago

    That’s a good idea, I found the Bailey’s to be one of the strongest flavors in there. Might have to try that next time, especially since I have some chambord around I don’t use enough

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      1 year ago

      The Chambord is great. Kind of what you were going for with the cherries, but it’s a really nice flavor compliment.

      Oh, got my daughter I’ve also replaced Bailey’s with Kahlua, and that works well, but honestly I think she likes it best with the chocolate liquor, Chambord, maybe a splash of vodka and the rest milk or cream.