• المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
    5 months ago

    From the title, you’d think these men were armed and inside the hospital terrorizing people. Turns out one of them was getting treatment there. The Israeli forces that killed those three (who were getting treatment or visiting someone getting treatment) were also dressed as civilians (nurses and doctors)

    Truly the most pathetic and most cowardly army in the world.

    Hamas claimed one of the dead in Ibn Sina hospital as its member. The allied faction Islamic Jihad claimed the other two, saying they were brothers. Ibn Sina said one of the brothers had been receiving treatment for an injury that paralysed his legs.

    No trial, no evidence except that from the Israeli side, just a field execution. No threat from these men whatsoever… and one of them was had a mobility disability too.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      Pretty sure killing wounded combatants who have no means of resistance is a war crime. It’s even worse since it happened inside a hospital which should be shield from any fighting. Most moral army is acting as a bunch of war criminals as usual.

      • المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
        35 months ago

        They were unarmed and getting treatment at the hospital. That’s against international humanitarian law. Several people have linked to this in the thread. I suggest you read them.