Apple Has Sold Approximately 200,000 Vision Pro Headsets::Apple has sold upwards of 200,000 Vision Pro headsets, MacRumors has learned from a source with knowledge of Apple’s sales numbers. Apple began…

  • @bassomitron
    238 months ago

    How’s it any different than regular VR sets besides price? I don’t own any apple stuff besides an iPad for my kid, but outside of the absurd cost I don’t see the difference between this and the Index or something.

    • @RGB3x3
      -48 months ago

      People like to find any reason to hate on Apple.

      And there are plenty of reasons to hate them, but just for releasing a product is very low on the list.

      Had HTC or Valve released this, there’d be constant praise on here.

      • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ
        8 months ago

        but just for releasing a product is very low on the list.

        It’s not about releasing a product it’s about how they go about it ( the marketing, the pricing… Etc ) it’s so manipulative and relies on people not knowing their Digital rights and what they should expect from a Digital product.

        The thing is that they abused their monopoly so much, they manipulated people so much, they enslaved people ( both on the Digital realm and the physical one ) so much, that now I and so many awakened people are so critical of everything they do. And it’s understandable why we’re like that, we simply don’t trust them.

        Had HTC or Valve released this, there’d be constant praise on here.

        This seems like a logical fallacy, we’re talking about Apple here, HTC and Valve can wait for their turn, and you can’t predict what people will say !!

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Nah there woulden’t Also Apple makes lifestyle devices that Serge a very different purpose than a gaming headset thats only worn for short times to play games instead of using it to do daily tasks Also bith companies Make vastly More Modification friendly products so even while what they produce may be shit (which would suck and i wouldnt purchase ) people would find ways to fix the issues and could buy what is good and use stuff from different companies if the product sucks because you aren’t locked into a valve or HTC eco system