If lemmy.world finds this, please tell my starving children that I love them.

  • @Daft_ish
    8 months ago

    If we boiled down any political ideology we could probably say they are all about, “let’s just kill a bunch of people.”

    At least with revolution the barrel is pointed at the oppressor not the oppressed.

    • @Eldritch
      28 months ago

      No, you couldn’t. That largely goes against The ideology of actual libertarians, anarchists, and communists.

      With the barrel of revolution, the oppressed are targeted frequently. Revolution is brutal, indiscriminate. And most importantly, temporary.

      • @Daft_ish
        8 months ago

        If I wanted to be a dick I could.

        Which is the exact mindset that has us in arms against billionaires.

        • @Eldritch
          8 months ago

          So could anyone. But what does that have to do with anything?

          Your edit isn’t making anything any clearer. I’m all for eliminating millionaires and billionaires. In the sense of eliminating the concept. Not the people.

          • @Daft_ish
            18 months ago

            It’s exactly how this conversation started. Revolution isn’t about indiscriminate killing.

            • @Eldritch
              18 months ago

              No one said they were. You are arguing a straw man. I simply said that they are indiscriminate. The French revolution sent 23 children to the guillotine. Many more dying imprisoned. Russia sent millions to the gulags to die for simple dissent. Not to mention revolutionaries killing tzar Nicholas’s entire family. Including his young daughter, Anastasia.

              They always start out by targeting specific things. But it always gets out of hand. Targeting many more people in the end than is necessary or deserving. When you rule by revolution. You never have peace. Always watching your back waiting for the revolution to unseat you. Your enemy list constantly growing.

              • @Daft_ish
                8 months ago

                Whoa whoa whoa, I have no interest in arguing with you, buddy. This was the OP

                That’s fine with me, I don’t have any interest in “let’s just kill a bunch of people” as an ideology. It’s objectively wrong.

                Colloquially eat the rich or gulliotines are terms for revolution. The ideology behind revolution isn’t “let’s just kill a bunch of people.”

                It’s “the ballot or the bullet” and like it or not the US was founded on it.