Animals are great! They’re adorable, they’re fun, they’re cuddly, and they just bring a lot of positives to our lives. But sometimes, they can do things that drive us absolutely nuts.

For example, my cat likes to announce whenever she’s doing anything. Needs water? Meow loudly her whole way to the water dish, meow at the water dish, meow when she’s finished drinking, and meow the whole way back to her bed as loudly as she can.

So, what obnoxious thing does your companion do that you really wish they didn’t?

  • @xkforce
    1 year ago

    I have 2 cats. They:

    *Push the small christmas tree off the stand and/or bat ornaments off it

    *Jump up on the kitchen counter

    *Dig in the trash

    *Run over us at full speed while we are sitting or laying on the couch

    *Scratch up said couch despite them having various other objects they are allowed to destroy instead

    *Jump off the overhang above the front door and land on the laptop keyboard

    *Scratch holes in the screen of any window they have access to

    *Attack the air conditioner we had set up in the window until it fell indoors and then proceed to jump out the window on to the roof of our shed

    *Attack my legs or stand in my way to stop me from walking somewhere if I dont pet them enough

    *Lay sideways on the steps going downstairs at night

    *Shit on our beds if we forget to shut the door (one of them does, the other uses the cat box instead of being a savage)