As the Republican Party’s blockade of aid to Ukraine drags into its fourth month, the U.S. government under Pres. Joe Biden has found a clever new way to give Ukraine’s forces the weapons and ammunition they need to defend their country.

It is, in essence, an American version of Germany’s circular weapons trade—the so-called Ringtausch. The United States is gifting older surplus weapons to Greece with the understanding that Greece donates to Ukraine some of its own surplus weapons.

Greek media broke the news last week. According to the newspaper Kathimerini and other media, the Biden administration offered the Greek government three 87-foot Protector-class patrol boats, two Lockheed Martin C-130H airlifters, 10 Allison T56 turboprop engines for Lockheed P-3 patrol planes plus 60 M-2 Bradley fighting vehicles and a consignment of transport trucks.

All this hardware is U.S. military surplus—and is available to Greece, free of charge, under a U.S. legal authority called “excess defense articles.” Federal law allows an American president to declare military systems surplus to need, assign them a value—potentially zero dollars—and give them away on the condition that the recipient transport them.

  • @AA5B
    108 months ago

    Maybe you should review what each branch of the US government can do, plus follow the news on things the President attempts

    • @givesomefucks
      -78 months ago

      I have

      Biden can order it be removed from the federal drug schedule. It being on that schedule is why it’s federally illegal

      It’s what he said he’d do “decriminalization”.

      But instead of doing that when he took office, he backtracked and has been “looking into if he can do that” for a couple years now…

      • @AA5B
        8 months ago

        Government process is slow, but it looks like Biden is pursuing pardons for pot convictions and trying to get states to do the same, as well as fix their laws. I also see a bill that passed in the house to reschedule marijuana but blocked by Republican filibuster in the senate.

        First, I am announcing a pardon of all prior Federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana.

        Second, I am urging all Governors to do the same with regard to state offenses

        Third, I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review expeditiously how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.


        passed 220-204, is unlikely to secure 60 votes to pass the Senate

        • @givesomefucks
          8 months ago

          Government process is slow,

          It doesn’t have to be…

          It can be descheduled in a day if Biden wanted to.

          Instead he told people to “look into it”

          Like, let’s say I owed you a $100, and everytime you asked me, I said I was looking into it.

          Then three years after that, I said:

          Sorry man, it’s a slow process

          That would be true. But it’s also bullshit because I’m the one slowing it down and if I really wanted to I could just hand you the hundred bill I’ve had in my pocket for three years…

      • @halferect
        68 months ago

        Biden can not unilaterally deschedule or reschedule a controlled substance. He can do what he is doing, by pressuring the DEA, HHS and FDA to deschedule it, but without congress approval he can not use a executive order to reschedule Marijuana as per the controlled substance act

        • @givesomefucks
          -78 months ago

          I think Elizabeth Warren knows more about this than either of us…

          The DEA can do it, and Biden can tell the DEA to do it.

          So when Biden defenders claims he can’t, it’s like when billionaire defenders say CEOs can’t raise wages.

          They can they just don’t want to.

          Hell, Biden just ordered every federal agency to return to office, I don’t know why anyone would think federal agencies are above the president in the chain of command, but when it’s convient a whole bunch of people love to say it…

          But also, we have to vote Biden because if we don’t trump will be president and in charge of every federal agency!

          This shit is fucking old man.

          • @halferect
            78 months ago

            In your linked article it says the DEA has final authority, the president does not have the power to tell federal agencies what to do, he can make suggestions or pressure them. Even the “biden ordered every federal agency to return to office” is bull shit. He suggested returning to office but each agency can do what they want, and they have since many agencies have no plans to return to office.