From Harold Wilion via New England Wildlife

I’ve seen some of you post photos you’ve taken yourselves, but I don’t know if there’s interest in photography tips here or not. With some of the people and groups I follow, I see a lot of them.

They don’t mean anything to me, but I’m sure wildlife photography presents many challenges, so would anyone want photography tips shared when I come across them?

Let me know!

  • anon6789OP
    8 months ago

    Also from the link in the main post:

    And in a similar vein (Tip # 3646), when shooting flying Short Eared owls, thanks to a conversation with another mentor of mine, Chris MacClellan, I assigned that same button (in another shooting bank) to instantly switch between FX and DX mode. Most of the time the owls are very far and use DX mode to make the subject bigger in my viewfinder to aid in autofocus. used to use a two-step process here again to switch between modes. Although it only may take a second to switch the old way, if I’m shooting at 20FPS, that means I miss 20 shots of a flyby. And since a flyby may only be 1 second, I risk losing the shot altogether. But being able to switch to FX mode instantaneously with one touch of the assigned button is a very big deal for me, again, especially when wearing gloves. It’s totally changed my life. feel healthier, my hair is growing back at a phenomenal rate. I get better gas mileage, have whiter teeth, and doubled my retirement savings. Ok, so maybe exaggerate just a tad.