Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a “federal employee” and a “traitor.” Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father’s severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike Mohn, a federal
Remember when shootings were so rare that a shooting happening one time at one place was enough to spawn a lasting phrase in American English? Simply fascinating how the times have changed.
Yeah what would you call shootings now if you used the same naming logic? Going high-school? Going k-to-12? Going American?
Also, I vote we call falling into an inescapable pattern of producing half-assed work “going Boeing.”
going dark knight
Yeah we had a ton of guns back then too but our culture today is fucked. Division and hate get clicks and our media is selling it.
Mo’ people Mo’ shootings. Knowhatimsayinn