• @Alteon
    64 months ago

    If it’s a paper asking your opinion or ideas on something, then I used buy a 6-pack of beer, sit down to write paper with some good music on, and just drunk write for about 3 hours. You’ll suprisingly write like 17 pages of bullshit and ramblings, but after you sober up, you can typically condense it down to about a solid 3 or so pages of legitimately good ideas to build off of. I used to love writing papers as I essentially made an event out of it.

    Once I figured out my groove, I stopped the drinking and discovered that isolation was always key for me. I had to find a space without distractions. Our school library had a floor with hidden tables, rooms, and a rule that no talking was allowed. It was dead silent there…it was fantastic.

      14 months ago

      Not really writing any papers sadly. Not yet anyway. And even when I do there is no place for opinion in physics sadly.

      • @Alteon
        14 months ago

        Oh. Yeah, you’ll need to learn to write. Like a lot. lol

        I’m in engineering. We write a LOT of reports, technical records, and documentation. If I did what I did back in highschool and early college. I’d have been fired years ago. And I guarantee you we write much less than you guys.

        Good luck figuring it out!

        • WIZARD POPE💫
          14 months ago

          Yeah but reports cannot really be written in the way you first described.

          • @Alteon
            14 months ago

            Nope, they cannot. Lol

            100% agreed.