Whenever I did meth and started pissing dark red pee my eyes would become so bad at focusing I needed strong reading glasses to read my monitor.

I heard eyeballs are full of liquid and it made me wonder - are my eyes being canalised for water due to the meth induced dehydration?

P.S. I mention meth because there’s a big difference in severity between normal dehydration - which is bad - and meth-induced which is 10xTERRIBLE but less easily spotted.

    • @squid_slime
      38 months ago

      I was tricked into taking meth10 years ago, fucking awful but also holyshit what a crazy time!

    • Victor
      -38 months ago

      Are you seriously advocating to people that they try meth?

      Surely this is in violation of some user conduct rules or something.

        • Victor
          18 months ago

          So you aren’t? Meth is no joke.

          • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈OP
            18 months ago

            No I’ve done meth but if you#'re taking life advice from a recovering meth addict online who’s being sarcastic you need to hand in your license to life because you’re a fucking moron that would cut themselves on mouldy bread.

            • Victor
              -38 months ago

              I’m not. But others might.

              You need to relax, holy shit. Take a step back, putz.

              Also who the f says “hand in your license to life” lmao. Like that’s a way to say I should kill myself or something? Really nice dude, you are. 🥸 What a clown.