• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    20x4 + 10 + 7 appears stupid at first but is really the better approach. It teaches 100% of the speakers basic arithmetic by literally embedding it in the language and makes it easy to visualize fairly large numbers. Try imagining 97 of something in your head vs 20x4 + 10 + 7 of the same something.

    • You know what else teaches basic arithmetics? elementary school. And numbers are taught alongside the arithmetics to calculate with them.

      So you first learn addition and substraction of single digit numbers, then it goes to double digit numbers, then you learn the multiplication tables and through that divisions. Then you move on to larger numbers, written additions, subtractions, multiplication and division with remainder.

      So by the time a child learns the number 80 it also learns how to do arithmetics in that area.

    • @force
      8 months ago

      wait until you realize that “two hundred and fifty seven” means 2×100 + 5×10 + 7 of something and you have to imagine that every time you say 257 of something

      how is it that the word “ninety seven” (9×10 + 7) doesn’t count as embedding arithmetic into the language?