F***ing morons in the world! Everyone is so damn impatient that now when I am at at four way stop and turning and my ass end is still in the intersection the other car going straight already decides to take off instead of waiting a micro-second for the intersection to be clear. All sorts of scenarios can happen…a pedestrian could appear causing me to brake and then you would crash into the rear of my car. Stop being a moron and think! What the hell are you gonna’ do when you get home a nano-second earlier?

  • @Vector
    101 year ago

    I went to America once and was totally and completely dumbfounded by the concept of a four way stop intersection.

    I implore you to encourage your city to replace them all with roundabouts, so that you may enjoy one less stressful thing existing. 😅

    • @voracitude
      141 year ago

      Your visit clearly didn’t include witnessing Americans attempting to navigate a roundabout, if you think that would be less stressful…

      • Zorque
        51 year ago

        There was a somewhat popular video from my area of a driver launching their car through the middle of a newly built roundabout directly into a Taco Bell.

        While I would say its technically an outlier, its still indicative of most American drivers relationship with roundabouts

      • @Today
        7 months ago

        Agree. American. I get so anxious when I see one ahead of me. The only thing worse than riding with me through a roundabout is riding with my husband through a roundabout.