This user is creating lots of random communities (which are also featured on the homepage)

Edit: So far he has created over 2500 communities with random names.

Edit 2: Up to 4236 fake communities now

  • TRBoom
    632 years ago

    His profile in case he changes it later on.

    • @sorenant
      452 years ago

      Sounds like a well adjusted person with a happy life.

      • Aer
        72 years ago

        Damn, Karen couldn’t speak to the manager so instead they choose to pick up their own fecal matter and scrawl it over the building walls to own the store.

        Instead of going about their day and barely acknowledging it they go for the pure beta energy and let it bother them to the point of going through the effort to make communities. If they had this same energy for their life, maybe they could get their shit together.