• @assassin_aragorn
    118 months ago

    So you refuse to buy anything from China because of the Uighurs, right?

    • @Cryophilia
      88 months ago

      “How to derail a tankie” rofl

      • @assassin_aragorn
        28 months ago

        I’m a bit concerned by just how well that worked. It increasingly confirms to me that the alt right and tankies are birds of a feather. Ignore information you dislike as propaganda, condone human rights abuse if it’s by a country you like and call the reporting bullshit.

        • NaibofTabr
          28 months ago

          The political spectrum is a circle. Go too far left or right and you end up in fascism, with a different paint job.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      Purchasing an item manufactured in a country whose government is committing genocide is not the same as refusing to support a country’s leader who is directly supporting a genocide. I feel like this is obvious but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since your other comment indicates you believe in horseshoe theory.

      • @assassin_aragorn
        28 months ago

        You’re right. One of those options results in your money directly funding the genocide. The other doesn’t.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          How does buying something that’s manufactured in China directly fund genocide, especially if the company you’re buying from isn’t even based in China?

          • @assassin_aragorn
            18 months ago


            1. You pay the company.

            2. The company pays the government in taxes or licenses or something of the like. China does not allow them to operate for free.

            3. The government uses the money to fund the infrastructure and personnel for the genocide.

            That dollar you spend may ultimately end up getting used to forcibly “culturally reeducate” Uighurs. If you didn’t buy the product that was made in China, that wouldn’t be the case.

            Now granted, this is indirect. I was incorrect to say direct earlier. And I don’t actually believe this makes a person culpable in genocide. I just also think that voting for Biden doesn’t mean someone wants genocide. If I had to pick however, the purchase likely carries more individual weight.

    • @hark
      -78 months ago


      • @Nalivai
        88 months ago

        So not for everyone then? I thought everyone there means everyone

        • @hark
          -18 months ago

          What does this have to do with the genocide that biden supports? Or are you claiming that biden supports the genocide of Uighurs? Are you claiming that actually biden is fine to throw billions of dollars in support of the genocide of Palestinians because China?

          • @assassin_aragorn
            78 months ago

            If it’s a red line for everyone, and it means you shouldn’t vote for Biden as a result, then you should also be minimizing your contributions/purchases with the US economy and all other countries currently engaged in genocide. Either take an absolutist stance on all of them, or make your rationalizations for all of them. Don’t pick and choose.

            • @hark
              -28 months ago

              You mean like how the Biden administration picks and chooses with its stances on Russia and Israel? Per capita, Israel is actually committing the much worse atrocity, but the same people moralizing about Russia’s actions are telling people to shut up about Israel. Saying you can’t criticize one thing because other bad things are happening is textbook whataboutism, but it’s obvious that whataboutism is a term used by Americans solely as a shield for all their bad actions (i.e. don’t call us out on our hypocrisy because we flooded the news with our talking points first). I criticize China for its horrific treatment of Uighurs and I criticize Israel for its atrocities.

              As for consumerism, you don’t have to worry about that from me. I’m pretty sure you buy more shit from China than I do, since I barely buy anything at all.

              • @assassin_aragorn
                18 months ago

                I criticize China for its horrific treatment of Uighurs and I criticize Israel for its atrocities.

                Then we have no disagreement. Especially since you don’t take the position that buying/voting is a full throated endorsement of the genocides.

                My issue with the person was their absolutist stance that suggested you shouldn’t vote for Biden or do anything which could support a genocide supporting regime. You can and should criticize Biden and China while voting or buying their goods. But what you do to one, you should do to the other. It’s hypocritical to refuse to vote for Biden for the Palestinian genocide while buying goods from China that support the Uighur genocide. And vice versa – refusing to buy Chinese but being fine with voting for Biden.

                Does that make sense? Basically, you shouldn’t pick and choose. You criticize it all or you excuse it all. If you refuse to support one, you refuse to support them all. If you tell people it isn’t real and is bullshit propaganda, you say that for all of them.

                • @hark
                  18 months ago

                  People have their own red lines and while they may seem conflicting or hypocritical, they are their own. Bringing up one separate thing in response to another is whataboutism, plain and simple. That was my point with my initial response. All that bringing up Uighurs did was divert the discussion towards other things, which is the point of whataboutism.

                  • @assassin_aragorn
                    18 months ago

                    Sure, my point is just that they aren’t following their stated red line. It isn’t whataboutism to challenge someone on a seeming exception to their belief.

                    They made an absolutist statement about genocide. I asked about a specific case to see if their belief actually was absolutist. I did not divert the topic by asking if that goes for all genocides. They diverted it by saying it doesn’t.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            They’re saying, if you still buy Uyghur slave labor produced goods from China, but tsk tsk Biden for being pro-Israel (literally every POTUS since the creation of Israel has been pro-Israel) you have no right to write Biden off and no right to tell others to not vote for him. It’s most likely that GodlessCommie is some kind of right wing astroturfer.

            • @hark
              -28 months ago

              So they’re saying that you cannot criticize Biden because bad things are happening elsewhere. Yeah, literally whataboutism.

    • GodlessCommie
      -128 months ago

      The Uighurs issue is US propaganda anti China bullshit. Just like ‘Free Tibet’ was.

      • @assassin_aragorn
        128 months ago

        You sound just like the people who say Israel is doing nothing wrong and all the criticism is just from antisemitism.

        You like them, therefore any criticism of them is propaganda and bullshit. Horseshoe theory in action.

        • GodlessCommie
          -88 months ago

          No sweetheart. Israel is 100% in the wrong, their Zionist apartheid terrorist colonialist state is a failed experiment that needs to come to an end.

          Anytime a person or a country tells you who your enemy is odds are it’s them

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            98 months ago

            So the UN, US, UK, Canada, Lithuania, France, New Zealand, Belgium and the Czech Republic are all our enemies?

            Because they all describe the Chinese government’s treatment of Uyghurs as genocide, severe human rights abuses or crimes against humanity.

            • @assassin_aragorn
              38 months ago

              You should find a country that condemns both China and Israel for genocide to fry their brain

          • @assassin_aragorn
            58 months ago

            You didn’t just miss my point, you’ve earned frequent flier miles for how badly it’s gone over your head.

            You’ll also note that I never said Israel was in the right, like you assumed. And I don’t entirely disagree with you on them either. I just consider genocide a serious act and don’t play apologetics depending on the country involved.

          • @Cryophilia
            08 months ago

            So when China tells you that your enemy is the US…

            • GodlessCommie
              08 months ago

              They don’t have to tell me, I know

              • @Cryophilia
                18 months ago

                Aw, tankies are so cute when they’re confused

                • GodlessCommie
                  -38 months ago

                  No confusion here, the confusion is Democrats thinking they are any different than Republicans.