• @zik
    305 months ago

    I love how they just make up laws and then believe that it’s real. Contact law exists… but this is nothing to do with contact law. This is more closely related to belief in the tooth fairy than it is to any actual legal facts.

    And the 45 degree writing is just the icing on the idiocy cake.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      125 months ago

      I swear to god, if I was more conspiracy minded I’d say this kind of awful advice was some kind of effort by private prison contractors to increase the incarcerated population.

      • @Dultas
        195 months ago

        Ever notice how everything is certified mail. It’s all a scam by Big Postal to drive up certified mail income. Wake up sheeple!

    • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
      105 months ago

      This is more closely related to belief in the tooth fairy

      I mean … at least belief in the tooth fairy used to work for all of us. Sovcit shit has never worked, for anybody ever.