Self-driving tech is widely distrusted by the public, and Tesla’s huge Autopilot recall and Cruise’s scandals don’t seem to have helped.

  • @n3m37h
    41 year ago

    Tesla’s make driving on the roads dangerous. Was driving on a highway (2 lane) passed a vehicle that was going a bit slow, and was going past a off ramp. Decided to merge back behind a car going approx the same speed as I was starting to merge back the bloody car saw a speed limit sign and started braking. I nearly rear ended the fucking Tesla. Got a video too.

    The first day I got my dash cam, was winter and roads had just been plowed, so there is a approx car width wide if salt/sand in the middle of the road. On my way to work was coming down a hill on my side of the road, coming up the hill, was a Tesla SUV driving all 4 wheels on the sand (aka on the yellow line)

    Both cars and drivers are brain dead

      • @n3m37h
        -11 year ago

        That’s not it m8, the average speed on the 401 is 120kph on slow days 130 typical and speed limit is 100. And suddenly having a vehicle drop from 130 to 100 because it saw a sign is fucking dangerous.

        The Tesla was doing about 125 or so when I started merging and I was 3 car lengths behind them, then randomly braked when there was nothing in front of em.

        There is nothing safe about abrupt actions which those POS do all the time

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          If you’re close enough to the car in front of you that them slowing down by 25kph causes you to almost hit them, you’re too close for the speed you’re traveling.

          It doesn’t matter if there’s a clear reason for it or not, or if everyone else is breaking the law. You’re responsible for maintaining a safe distance, not the person you’re behind.

          3 car lengths is not a sufficient distance for 125kph.

          • @n3m37h
            -11 year ago

            Easy Karen I don’t need a driving lesson, I did not get into a fucking accident because I was paying attention to the road and traffic around me. Something the driver(s) of the Tesla was not doing because who the fuck slows down suddenly on a highway with no one in front of you?

            Seriously take the hard sandpapery object out of your ass and calm down

        • @AreaKode
          1 year ago

          And I would argue that you would see 10 humans do this same action in the same time you’d see a robot to it once. Humans are horribly inefficient drivers, and eventually, computers will be far superior. I hope to see much better advances in the coming years.

          They need to just… don’t call it “auto pilot” until it actually functions like auto pilot.

          • @n3m37h
            31 year ago


            Tesla won’t because cameras alone won’t work. The people who have access to lidar and radar as well as mics aren’t anywhere close to universal safe autonomous driving (outside of a predefined/maped location).

            And machine learning is in its infancy right now, it is unpredictable, unreliable in a lot of applications. And don’t even get me started on this stuff operating in any other conditions than bright sunny days.

            I’ve used lane assist (Elantra, Tuscon) and I find it to be terrible in many cases, long turns being the worst.

            Autonomous vehicles in warehouses have just as many issues and nowhere near the variables that a car needs to account for…

            Please take your head outta your arse and come back to reality please