What are the consequences of not severing it? I imagine you’d have the weirdest bellybutton on earth if nothing else.


  • @Harbinger01173430
    231 year ago

    …this is why mom animals in nature just eat the placenta and get it over with or something. I saw it on discovery channel

    • @godzillabacter
      261 year ago

      Well they don’t eat it to get it off of the baby. While I’m not a vet or a zoologist, my understanding is they eat it for the nutrients as well as to help remove the scent, and newborn animals are easy prey and targeted by predators.

        • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
          11 year ago

          Some cultures still eat the placenta.

          Other cultures will save baby teeth, grind them into powder, and bake them into bread that will be eaten by the whole family.

          Waste not want not I fuckin guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯