Former President Donald Trump ramped up his threats to prosecute President Joe Biden if he wins another term in the White House.An appeals court rejected Trump’s claims of immunity in the federal election subversion case in the District of Columbia, although he intends to press the same argument in …

  • snownyte
    268 months ago

    Good. Get unhinged you fuck.

    Realize this, fatty donnie, you have a cap of voters. A cap which, you can’t even guarantee that you’ll meet by the general election should your ass somehow squeak by being on the ballot in every state. You’re going to lose because you’re a loser in denial, in life, in election and as a human being.

    Oh and I bet Donnie has shit through several diapers too throughout this trial. Yeah, imagine that, electing a diaper-shitting president. Good on ya, republitards.

    • @Riccosuave
      88 months ago

      I wish I shared your optimism, but I’ve read way too many YouTube comments. There is no shortage of knuckle-dragging soldiers waiting to do Trump’s bidding. It is beyond scary how many of them there are, and I don’t see the problem just magically disappearing if/when old Adolf Shitler finally sees some consequences. Now that there is a permanent strategic unification between Evangelicals, Fascists, and Capitalists they will continue to use their uneducated, quickly reproducing, white-trash, zombie army to do their collective bidding.

      • @xXSirDanglesXx
        118 months ago

        Evangelicals, Fascists, and Capitalists

        Sounds a little redundant there, dontcha think?

        • @Riccosuave
          8 months ago

          At this point yes, but it is a relatively modern development for there to be so much organized mobilization of these factional groups. The most dangerous thing that Trump accomplished was getting them all to identify as one big in-group, so there really is no functional difference anymore.

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        They are about 3 minutes from eating their own. They are just barely holding their party together and I really don’t think Donny can bring them together this time, what with being so busy trying not to go broke and go to jail.

      • @Manifish_Destiny
        48 months ago

        They’ll turn on each other the moment they can. Just look at the Minnesota GOP. They literally cannot resist dividing because they’re beliefs are so fucking specific and niche and everyone who doesn’t fall in line with them is a ‘rino’