If I HAD to use one, which one would be better? While Whatsapp is owned by Facebook, they have end to end encryption for the messages, while the metadata is not. However, on Telegram, nothing is end to end encrypted unless you use a secret chat which most regular people are most likely not going to use. I have a feeling Whatsapp would be better but I wanted to hear your thoughts.
For what end do you want to make your choice?
Like many said, whatsapp has a huge userbase, which is the foundation for a IM-app. However, telegram totally blows the compitision out of the water when it comes to features / UI / API access. But there are other alternatives - depending on your usercase: Signal - not as userfriendly, but the encryption and meta-data retention is unpararelled. Matrix-chat - even less userfriendly than Signal, but does match the API access of Telegram and a huge amount of clients, which can satisfy most user-needs (even outside of traditional IM:ing).
Do note - Telegram is not encrypted by default. This was a conscious design of the company running it, so you can easily access your chats accross different devices. And they use a home-made encryption protocol, which is a very bad idea. So don’t rely on Telegram for anything that remotely requires confidentiality.