• @Zron
    118 months ago

    Considering most of the other docs had like 1 or 2, yeah.

    They were also just kinda… there.

    Like sure that’s how the doctor originally met rose until the did the whole bad wolf plotline, but all the other companions had a compelling reason to be his companion. Martha was also a doctor who was there when her hospital got stolen by alien cops. Donna was gonna marry a guy who was involved in a plot to destroy the earth. Amy was at the center of a crack in the timeline, and Rory just happened to tag along for a lot of it. Even Clara was involved in a plot to kill the doctor.

    • TheMongoose
      58 months ago

      I really liked ’the Fam’. It was a nice change of dynamic from previous (usually) single companions. And different from the Amy and Rory relationship too - grandfather/grandson and Ryan not being romantically involved with Yaz just felt different.

      Plus they were all good fun and bounced well off The Doctor in their different ways.

      And Jodie Whitaker was a great Doctor too. While I won’t try and defend every idea in every episode, we needed the change of pace from a decade of Moffat and Segun Akinola’s music was also excellent.

      Thirteen gave me what I wanted out of a Doctor when she left - the desire for just a bit more time with her.

    • Ech
      38 months ago

      What are you talking about? Somehow the alien trying to kill this group is different than the aliens trying to kill the other group? There’s literally nothing different about 13’s companions to those you listed. They were all “just there”. That’s how it always works.

      Re: companions, I go over that in another comment. In short, ”1-2" is not average, and 4 isn’t unreasonable.

      • @Zron
        18 months ago

        The difference is the reason they were “just there”

        13s companions were literally just sitting around when she literally fell into their laps.

        All the other companions of the modern show have had a compelling stories for how the doctor found them. These people were literally just milling about like they were waiting for someone to fall through the roof and change their lives.

        4 is definitely unreasonable for a show known for its character arcs. How am I supposed to connect with any of these characters when they’ll get an average of a couple minutes of dialogue per episode.

        • Ech
          8 months ago

          13s companions were literally just sitting around when she literally fell into their laps.

          They were in a train going home…

          Rose was “just working”. So was Martha. Donna was “just getting married”. Amy was “just sleeping”. Clara was “just babysitting”. Bill was “just going to school”. See how you can do that for literally any companion? The whole point of the characters is that The Doctor drops into their normal life and whisks them away.

          And honestly, your “requirements” are just absurd. If you can’t “connect” to these characters over several seasons, that’s a you problem. Maybe try to meet the show where it’s at instead of being so closed off to anything outside off your demands.

          *forgot to add Amy

          • @Zron
            28 months ago

            Nah, I’m an adult, I like things that I like and don’t waste time on things that I don’t.

            Watched like 5 episodes and gave up on the piss poor plots and 2d companions.

            If you enjoyed it, good for you. But I am always confused by people like you who feel the need to defend the virtue of a show just because someone on the internet disagrees with the quality of content you enjoy.

            I didn’t like it, you did. I have watched 5 hours of a show and decided it wasn’t worth my time, you telling me otherwise isn’t going to really change my mind. I have better ways to entertain myself than wasting time on a show I know isn’t for me.

            • Ech
              28 months ago

              I’m not saying you have to like it, and I’m not trying to “defend it’s virtue”. I’m pointing out the lack of consistency in your critique, which, objectively, makes no sense.

              Honestly, it’d be great if people would stop shitting on 13’s run for such shallow reasons, like there’s “too many companions”, rather than just saying they don’t like it. You don’t. That’s fine. I didn’t like Capaldi much, but I’m not blaming his “lack of companions” or the size of his TARDIS or something else equally asinine.