Politicians Are Using Kids As Props To Pass Terrible, Harmful Legislation. Don’t Let Them Get Away With It::Amidst all of the attention paid to last week’s Senate hearing on child safety online, it remains stunning just how little time was actually spent on how to help children online. Instead, we saw pure theatrical nonsense, with Senators insisting (falsely) that these five tech CEOs could magically stop bad things from happening to kids,…

  • @Maggoty
    41 year ago

    Look up the 1994 Crime Bill. Democrats are absolutely capable of supporting bad faith stuff for the protection of children.

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      1 year ago

      1994 as in three decades ago? Two generations? What’s next, corrupt Illinois governors lol?

      • @Maggoty
        01 year ago

        Okay than check out SOPA and PIPA. Both of which were only stopped by massive online protests and write in campaigns. I’m not seeing whole websites running Boycott KOSA banners this time either so…

        And yes both SOPA and PIPA used the “protecting children” argument.

        I can keep going. This is not a partisan problem.