this is the first time in many years of my GNU/Linux journey that I saw a BSOD. on my office machine BTW. personal machine has never crashed even once.
the crash was due to 100% RAM and swap usage.

image description:
a mobile-clicked photo of a laptop screen. the background is full black with a sad computer image in the middle. the text below it reads: “Oh no! something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the system can’t recover. Please log out and try again.”
just below it is a small button with the text “log out”

    • @evidences
      11 year ago

      I’m still on windows on my dekstop, I have a handful of boxes running various forms of Linux but I’m mainly just here for the memes.

      • tubbadu
        11 year ago

        Don’t let the differences divide us, let’s unite under the memes!