I wouldn’t really call myself a distro hopper, but in the last few months I’ve had to do some fresh installs on a couple of machines and VMs for work

If these aren’t included by default, I’ll make sure to get em:


  • Firefox & Chromium
  • Gimp & Krita
  • VSCode/VSCodium
  • Okular
  • Libre office


  • git
  • wget&curl
  • neovim
  • zsh/ohmyzsh + plugins
  • glow
  • neofetch
  • figlet/toilet
  • zellij
  • python
  • nodejs/npm/nvm + nodemon globally
  • ranger/rifle

Also, how do you go about migrating your old config and rc files? Start fresh or just copy em over and make adjustments where necessary?

  • @SpaceNoodle
    10 months ago

    Why bother, when I can install the tools I need in a matter of seconds when I need them? It’s not like the old days when I gotta pull out the crate of driver floppies.