• @Atom
      208 months ago

      Comon, don’t you remember? We sure taught them a lesson in 2016 by abstaining from the vote. America is paradise now that we showed our collective non-voting might! /S

      • Optional
        128 months ago

        At least that terrible Hillary didn’t get elected! Gosh she was so shrill.

        • @go_go_gadget
          -28 months ago

          I mean she basically flaunted the fact that she “won” the primary election in the face of people she needed to win the general. If you’re gonna mock the criticisms of her at least have the decency to pick one near the top of the list.

      • @gAlienLifeform
        8 months ago

        Oh I remember, Hillary was a completely awful tone deaf nomination, and enough people turned out to vote for her Iraq war supporting ass anyway that she still won the popular vote and it was just our electoral college bullshit that let us all down

        I really hope people do vote because at the end of the day that is the logically correct thing to do in our situation, but I totally understand being so frustrated with the bullshit you’re seeing that you just want to say fuck it

        • @Cryophilia
          -28 months ago

          I do not. It means the propaganda is winning.

      • @go_go_gadget
        -28 months ago

        I mean, people still proudly announce that they voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries. They brought this on themselves. If you’re passing out some blame how about throwing some that direction huh?

    • snownyte
      8 months ago

      No. I’m not wasting my time, I’m sick of how this god damn society has allowed shit to be boiled down to two old fucks.

      No propaganda. No influence. Just tired of this shit. And most of you are already browbeating.

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        See Russia for an example as to why voter apathy won’t result in the society you want. Propaganda that influences you to not vote at all is probably the most effective with respect to destroying any semblance of representative government.

        It’s reasonable to be upset at the state of things, but you’re abdicating your civic duty for nothing. Do you really believe that will void you of any responsibility for what happens next? It certainly won’t help you avoid the consequences.

        • snownyte
          -48 months ago

          There are a lot more things society could be and should be doing to better itself. It’s like what I said before with people relying on karma and invisible deities to come and save them. Do they really think the power of the vote really has that much power? I mean look, we have a system in place where regardless of the popular vote (i.e where millions in number vote) can mean moot because of the points-based system that is the electoral college. We’ve seen this demonstrated time and time again.

          If voting really mattered, we’d gone away with the electoral college a long time ago.

          The fact that people hinge so much on voting as their way of thinking it’s what gives them power, is truly a fool’s game and it’s a game we’ve played for years now.

          My civic duty would require more than just wasting my time and effort to stick a little piece of paper down a little machine after deluding myself into thinking that the options we have right now, are the best options we’ve got. When I will be thinking that we should and could be doing more things than that. It’s just nobody wants to and I don’t see you having that kind of a vision.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            You’re complaining without presenting any alternatives, which is categorically unhelpful.

            You’re advocating for voter apathy which is supremely regressive.

            If voting didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be such a concerted effort to disenfranchise voters, via the electoral college and otherwise.

            You’re not convincing me or anyone else here that you’ve got a sober view on this; it seems like you’re hoping that accelerationism towards collapse will net a positive result. Complain all you want about voting and how imperfect it is, your vision of apathy and hopelessness is actively hateful towards anyone who wants a better world.

        • @go_go_gadget
          -58 months ago

          Alright we’ll vote 3rd party.

          Here’s the part I don’t get about you people being like “zomgz vooooote!” Where was this panic when you saw Biden winning the 2020 primaries? Did you think those of us who didn’t vote for HRC were going to give Biden a free pass? I mean I assume some of you knew there would be problems because that’s where all the “we can push Biden to the left” lies must have been coming from. And now that we know Biden is only interested in moving right here we are.

          So again, where was all this panic, ire and shame during the primaries? You shoulda been screaming at Biden voters that they were fucking shit up. You should’ve been screaming at the DNC not to let the primary winner be decided in a state that went to Trump. You should’ve been screaming at Obama not to back Biden. There were so many ways you could’ve tried to influence the outcome to someone better but none of you said a fucking word.

          Well here we are.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            It’s cute you think I wasn’t engaging in that, but go off.

            To your point regarding the 2020 primaries, take a look at how they went in States that have the highest levels of voter engagement. It might shock you to learn that when more people vote, we see better outcomes.

            Keep poo-pooing the vote. If you won’t do the bare fucking minimum, you don’t deserve a government that represents you. End of story.

            • @go_go_gadget
              -38 months ago

              I like how you deny my accusation and then demonstrate it in the same comment. That’s convenient for me.

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                I’m not trying to convince you to vote for or against anyone. I don’t care if you vote third party, I sometimes do that too. At least they help elevate calls for reforming our voting system.

                You have constructed an idea of a person that does not fit what I represent. You are assigning attributes to me that aren’t accurate or based on what I’ve stated.

                You are speaking in defense of someone who speaks in support of voter apathy. That’s the only thing you’ve done that merits a response.

                • @go_go_gadget
                  -28 months ago

                  Well a second ago you were defending the 2020 primaries so let me ask you a straight forward question:

                  Was Biden the most viable candidate in the 2020 primaries to win the general election?

                  • @[email protected]
                    08 months ago

                    Using the outcomes of the primaries to illustrate a point about voter engagement is not the same thing as “defending the 2020 primaries.” I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you can’t even understand my position.

                    I won’t be goaded into defending candidates, I’m just calling you out for directly supporting voter apathy in this comment chain. By doing so, you do the work of those who would oppress you even further.

      • @[email protected]OP
        38 months ago

        Good news, depending on how it goes, you might not need to worry about any more elections to unsettle and disturb you in the future.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        People are suffering because Trump was able to get three motherfuckers on the supreme court. Voting matters.

        • snownyte
          18 months ago

          Tell that to Kentucky, who has allowed McConnell to go on decades long destruction of his own including rushing votes. Guarantee you he will win another term and it will be his like 30th?

          There are more problems than Trump.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            There sure are, but McConnell doesn’t get to stack the supreme court. That’s on the president. Vote. I guarantee you if every leftist in Kentucky stopped being a whiny apathetic bitch and just got up and voted, they’d outnumber the conservatives who bother to do it.