This was my first time growing Solfire and I am impressed. This shit was super vigorous and didn’t flinch at anything I threw at them. I finished setting up my flood and drain setup a few weeks into flower so I was able to finish them out on easy street.

100% coco Bottom feed with Canna Coco A+B, Rhizotonic and Calmag. RO water

Planted germed seeds September 6th Finished trimming February 3rd

Final Yield: 1.49g/watt Plant 1 = 125g Plant 2 = 126g Plant 3 = 136g Plant 4 = 61g… ಠ_ಠ

20g of kief after one pass in the trim bin from each plant. I could probably get a ton more but the rest of the trim is used for butter.

Ready for planting!

In their starter pots

Week 2 veg

Week 4 veg

Transplant day

Moved into 3x3

First major defol - Day 14 of flower

Hints of purple

Fully bounced back

Day 21 defol

Week 5 flower

Week 6 flower

Week 8 flower

Week 10 flower

Cola Porn

Trim bin after trimming

  • MeeechOP
    1 year ago

    Bruh, fuckin sticky is an understatement!

    Regarding my setup, I started in a 2x4 under a Migro Aray 4 and they stayed here for most of veg. While they were in their starter pots, I top watered everything but after I transplanted my final 4 into 2gal rain science bags, they were then bottom fed for the rest of their lives.

    Eventually, I got the 3x3 purchased along with the Viparspectra KS3000. After a few weeks of being in their final home, I was able to get the last components of my flood and drain setup finalized. It would have been sooner but I accidentally cracked the flood table and finding a replacement 2x2 flood table was rather difficult at that time. Out of stock everywhere!

    Here’s my full schedule. Keep in mind that I did not run any Cannazyme this grow and I only had enough boost left over for my pk 13/14 week. Outside of that week, I only ran A+B, Rhizotonic and Calmag.

    Canna Coco Nute Schedule
    40 Gal. Res. (pump and dump every 2 weeks)

    Seedlings & Clones EC = 0.7 PPM = 350

    Coco A 200 ml 5 ml/Gal.
    Coco B 200 ml 5 ml/Gal.
    Cannazyme 150 ml 3.5 ml/Gal.
    Rhizotonic 50 ml 1 ml/Gal.
    CalMag 40 ml 1 ml/Gal.
    Drip Clean 16 ml 0.4 ml/Gal

    Veg. EC = 1.0 PPM = 500

    Coco A 300 ml 7.5 ml/Gal.
    Coco B 300 ml 7.5 ml/Gal.
    Cannazyme 200 ml 5 ml/Gal.
    Rhizotonic 40-80 ml for PH 1-2 ml/Gal.
    CalMag 40 ml 1 ml/Gal.
    Drip Clean 16 ml 0.4 ml/Gal

    Flower EC = 1.3 PPM = 850

    Coco A 400 ml 10 ml/Gal.
    Coco B 400 ml 10 ml / Gal.
    Cannazyme 250 ml 6 ml/Gal.
    Boost 320 ml 8 ml/Gal.
    Rhizotonic 40-120 ml 1-3 ml/Gal. (Adjust amount to dial in PH for your water)
    CalMag 40 ml 1 ml/Gal.
    Drip Clean 16 ml 0.4 ml/Gal

    PK 13/14 200 ml Weeks 3-5 5 ml/Gal. (Run A+B @ 7.5ml/Gal.)

    Light Schedule:
    18/6: 6am - 12am
    12/12: 12pm - 12am

    Seedling Flood Schedule:
    1x10 min - 7am

    Veg Flood Schedule:
    4x10 min - 7am, 3pm, 7pm, 3am

    Early Flower Flood Schedule:
    2x10 min - 1pm, 6pm

    Flower Flood Schedule:
    4x10 min - 1pm, 5:30pm, 11pm, 6am

    Late Flower Flood Schedule:
    2x10 min - 1pm, 6pm

    • @ThrowawaySobriquet
      21 year ago

      Aw, man. Thanks so much for all that. Excellent info

      Also, holy shit! You could hang posters with that stuff!